What is a Rhombus?

In mathematics, a quadrilateral can be defined as the geometrical shape, which is bounded by four sides, each of angle 90 degrees. There are various types of quadrilaterals such as rhombus, rectangle, parallelogram, square, and so on. A rhombus is considered to be a special and unique kind of quadrilateral that is made up of parallel sides. It can also be defined as a two-dimensional figure which is closed. There are various other terms which are also known as rhombus such as the diamond, the rhomb, or the lozenge. This term has been excavated or derived from the words of Greek which basically signifies an object that spins (spinning object). In this article, we shall cover some basic aspects regarding rhombus such as the significant properties, area, and perimeter of the rhombus, and see some suitable examples.

Area of Rhombus

A rhombus is a geometrical shape that has four equal and parallel sides, just like a square. Like every other shape in geometry, a rhombus also possesses its own formula for the area. The area of a rhombus is defined as the quantity of space or region which the sides of the rhombus covers. The mathematical formula given for the area of rhombus is, b * h where ‘b’ denotes the base of the rhombus whereas ‘h’ symbolizes the height of the rhombus. There are various other formulas as well through which you can find the area of the rhombus such as the formula given for diagonals and trigonometry. Here, we shall cover the easiest formula to calculate the area of rhombus i.e. b * h. You must remember that the resultant value is always written in square units. For example, if 3 cm is multiplied by 6 cm, the answer comes as 18 cm square units.

As mentioned above, the mathematical formula given for the area of a rhombus is, b * h where ‘b’ denotes the base of the rhombus whereas ‘h’ symbolizes the height of the rhombus. Let us solve some examples related to the area of the rhombus so that you grasp the concept conceptually. Some of the examples are mentioned below:

Example 1: Find the area of the rhombus if the base and height is 4 cm and 6 cm respectively?

Solution: Given that,

The base of the rhombus = 4 cm

Height of the rhombus = 6 cm

Using the formula of area of rhombus = b * h.

4 cm * 6 cm = 24 cm square units.

Therefore, the area of rhombus for the given base and height is = 24 cm square units.

Example 2: Calculate the area of the rhombus if the base and height is 7 cm and 9 cm respectively?

Solution: Given that,

The base of the rhombus = 7 cm

Height of the rhombus = 9 cm

Using the formula of area of rhombus = b * h.

7 cm * 9 cm = 63 cm square units.

Therefore, the area of rhombus for the given base and height is = 63 cm square units.

Some Significant Properties of Rhombus

As mentioned above, the rhombus is considered to be a special and unique kind of quadrilateral that is made up of parallel sides. There are various important properties of a rhombus that need to be remembered in order to distinguish it from a different geometrical shape. The following points analyze the significant properties of a rhombus:

You may observe that all the sides of the rhombus will be of the same and equal length. Therefore, it is considered as the equilateral quadrilateral.

The sides which are opposite are equal and parallel. A rhombus resembles the properties of a square.

If we add the consecutive angles of the rhombus, the resultant value is equivalent to 180 degrees.

If you want to learn about rhombus and its area, you can visit the Cuemath website as it provides one-to-one live sessions and doubt clearing classes. Book a free session now.

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